Magical Moments
One of the things I love about working with children is how common "magical moments" are. You know those moments when you look up for a...

Don't Try To Stick Me In A Needle
"You're a beautiful distraction..." As soon as the words left my mouth, I could hear God speaking to my soul, "and it's over..." Like...

Hemmed In
I don't know about you, but when things don't go the way I planned, I tend to run, or quit, or just avoid. In the past if someone hurt my...

Magic 8 Ball Jesus
I am an Old Testament Geek. I love the stories of the epic battles and how God always come to the rescue of His people. I love how the...

Despite Myself
So there are some passages and stories in the Bible that leave me thinking "Really?" There are things my mind wrestles with. I still...

A Beautiful Tension
Several years ago I was reading where God was talking to Moses about destroying the Israelites in the desert but Moses "talked God out of...

Finding Peace in Unexpected Places
I am starting to grasp that I am likely moving to Thailand. It's not certain, but it seems this is where my life is heading. I must...

When Shame Masquerades Itself As Regret
As long as I can remember, God has given me the amazing gift of having women in my life I can look to as an example. There has never...

My Reflection In His Eye...
My best friend has been telling me about a show called Touch. I didn't watch it until a couple days ago because I had enough shows I was...
Faked & Forced
A couple days ago I wrote a post about my heart's wonderings about what heaven would have been like in anticipation of Jesus entering the...