Perspective Shift
This morning I had some time to sit and be alone before the sun came up. I enjoyed looking out the window and seeing the dark sky slowly...

The Fun in the Mess
My soul longs to create... and I am a messy creative. As I write this I am sitting on my bed, next to two hat boxes full of paper, pens,...

When You Realize You're Falling
Have you ever met anyone who was once great in their faith and then 20 years later they're a shell of who they had been. You wonder,...

Tattling On Myself
Working with kids and doing my best to help train them to make wise decisions, I end up tattling on myself quite often. When they loose...

A New Language
This morning I was reading Genesis and was going through the genealogy of Noah. I must confess, I am the type of person who often skims...

Once Again...
Once again I find myself in awe of the cross. Once again I find myself where I screwed up… again… in the same manner I have countless...

When You Relate to the Brat
So I don’t know about you, but man does my faith go through seasons. And it seems to be this last season has felt more like the eternal...

Duct Taped Edges
“Will I always be rough around the edges?” I was listening to a podcast by Matt Chandler and he was talking about Biblical community...

So confession time, I don’t handle change well. That may sound like a weird confession, especially for those who know me well because my...

A Common Enemy
I love Scifi movies. And Marvel Comics movies, and DC Comics movies, and fantasy movies; pretty much anything that takes my imagination...